Journal Articles
Haynes, C. & Block, R. (2019). Role-Model-In-Chief: Understanding a Michelle Obama Effect. Politics and Gender. 3(15), 1-38.
Haynes, C. (2019). A Loophole of retreat? Predominately White institutions as paradoxical spaces for high achieving African American women. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 8(32), 998-1018.
Haynes, C. (2019). There’s no place like home? African American women in the residential halls of a predominantly White Midwestern university. Gender and Education, 4(31), 525-542.
Block, R. & Haynes, C. (2014). Taking to the airwaves: Using content analyses of survey toplines and filmographies to test the “Michelle Obama image transformation” (MOIT) hypothesis. National Political Science Review, 16(97), 97-114.
Book Chapters
Block Jr., R., & Haynes, C. (2020). Exploring the oral histories of African Americans who support Donald Trump. In Robert Browning (Ed.), The C-SPAN Archives: Advancing the Research Agenda (vol. 5, pp. 67-97). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
Block Jr., R., & Haynes, C. (2015). ‘Mom-In-Chief’ rhetoric as a lens for understanding policy advocacy: Generating hypotheses using video footage from Michelle Obama's speeches. In Robert Browning (Ed.), The C-SPAN Archives: Advancing the Research Agenda (vol. 2, pp. 165-190). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
Haynes, C. Academically successful Black college women in predominantly White institutions: Mapping their experiences and centering their voices.
Book Proposal. I don’t want to be that Black girl: Narratives of academically successful African American women attending PWIs.